Publications de Genitrini :
No Shannon effect on probability distribution on Boolean functions induced by random expressions. [Version pdf]
A. Genitrini and B. Gittenberger. In proc. 21st International Meeting of Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'10), Vienna, 2010.
The fraction of large random trees representing a given boolean function in implicational logic. [Version pdf]
H. Fournier, D. Gardy, A. Genitrini and B. Gittenberger. Random Structures and Algorithms (RSA), to appear: 2011.
Tautologies over implication with negative literals.
H. Fournier, D. Gardy, A. Genitrini, M. Zaionc. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, 56 (4), pp 388-396, 2010. .
In the full propositional logic, 5/8 of classical tautologies are intuitionistically valid.
A. Genitrini and J. Kozik. In Journal: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (APAL), to appear: 2011.
Probabilities of Boolean Functions Given by Random Implicational Formulas.
A. Genitrini, B. Gittenberger, V. Kraus and C. Mailler. In Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (EJC), 19, No. 2, P37 (electronic), 2012.